Tax-Advantaged Giving
Gifts of Stock
Donate stock or other securities, such as bonds or mutual funds, and save on capital gains tax while receiving the full fair-market value of your charitable deduction. Giving is simple via electronic transfer. You or your stock broker can transfer any DTC eligible securities directly to MCHPP’s account.
Review our Stock Delivery Instructions for more information. Please inform us of your transfer at development@mchpp.org or 207-725-2716 x306.
IRA Rollovers
If you are at least 70 ½, you may consider giving via an IRA charitable rollover (also referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD). You can donate up to $100,000 to satisfy your IRA’s required minimum distribution (RMD) while also reducing your taxable income. You gift must pass directly from you IRA administrator to a nonprofit, and transfers must be completed by 12/31 of the corresponding tax year.
Contact your IRA custodian with questions or to initiate a gift. Make sure your name is included in the memo line of the distribution check so we can identify and thank you.
Sample Scenarios by Fidelity Investments