Food Donation Guidelines & FAQs
We accept:
Nonperishable food items (unopened)
Fresh Produce (please hand off directly to a staff person)
Personal care items (toothbrushes/toothpaste, travel size shampoo and conditioner, feminine products)
Diapers and Pull-ups (all sizes, child and adult)
Clean 12-count egg cartons
Grocery bags (reusable or paper, no plastic please)
MCHPP accepts donations at our Warehouse & Administrative Facility located at 179 Neptune Drive on Brunswick Landing at the following times.
Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Sat: 9am – 2pm
Sun: Closed
Please do not drop off donations at 12 Tenney Way. Staff will have to transport it to our other location for processing.
MCHPP cannot accept donations of:
Opened or partially used items (unless contents are individually packaged)Clothing and linens
Dishware and home appliances
Some perishable items (perishable items should be handed directly to a staff person, items left without staff knowledge may be disposed of to maintain food safety)
Home cooked foods (regulations require all prepared foods be produced in a commercial kitchen)
Maybe. Please call us at 207-725-2716 (x317 or x309) to confirm.
Food safety guidelines prevent us from accepting any donations of home cooked foods (regulations require all prepared foods be produced in a commercial kitchen)Food prepared by a caterer or restaurant that has been kept at a safe temperature is typically welcome.
We do not accept any donations on Sundays.
Absolutely! MCHPP loves offering fresh, local produce in our programs. Follow the drop off instructions above for smaller contributions or reach out if you have a bulk donation.
If you have a field or garden and would like to request a pop-up gleaning visit, please contact David at dbaecher@mchpp.org.
If you have additional questions about a personal donation after reviewing this page, please contact Eden at emartin@mchpp.org or 207-725-2716 x307.
Host a Drive
We appreciate your interest in collecting donations on behalf of MCHPP. The tips and information below are here to help you plan and execute a successful event.
Step 1:
Decide the type of drive you'd like to host and select the appropriate flyer(s) below to print and share (each contains a wish list and space to list collection dates). Combo collections are welcome.
Step 2:
Register your drive using the form on this page. We will respond if necessary to assist with logistics and answer any questions you may have.
It’s very helpful for us to know what drives are occurring in the community for inventory planning.
Step 3:
Launch your drive and have fun!
Drive Registration Form
Please contact MCHPP’s Volunteer and Community Outreach Manager, Eden Martin at emartin@mchpp.org or 207-725-2716 x307 with any questions.