Merrymeeting Gleaners

Gleaning is great source of free, high-quality, in-season produce. Merrymeeting Gleaners volunteers partner with local farms and farmers markets to harvest or pick up excess crops. We are able to assist local farmers while providing more fresh and local fruits and vegetables to our program participants. Any over-ripe or blemished food is processed in our Community Kitchen for sauces, soups, and more!

Gleaned produce is used in MCHPP’s programs and is also distributed to over 30 partner organizations in the region including libraries, community centers, and more.

Interested in gleaning? Visit our volunteer page to learn more and get involved.

Looking for a gleaning crew at your farm/garden? Please contact David at or 207-725-2716 x313.

Sharing Tables 2025 Schedule

The Sharing Tables are unstaffed tables of free produce available for anyone to take from anonymously.

Brunswick – Curtis Memorial Library

Tuesdays, 11:30am-1:30pm

Bath (2 locations)

Patten Free Library – Tuesdays, 12-3:00pm

Bath YMCA – Thursdays, 9:00am-11:45am

Topsham – Topsham Public Library

Wednesdays, 12:30pm-2:30pm